Thursday, 14 March 2013

Funny hair styles

did you  know that jesssie jay is shaving her hair Matthew Wardell.

Get your look for Red Nose Day! These guys look funny!!

By Chara

by JensonDid you know that Jessie  Jay is shaving her hair off for charity?

I hope she will look like a baby.
Red Nose Day!!

Would you do this to your dog?????????????

By Elliot

Red nose day

RED NOSE DAY !  Red nose day is tomorrow and it is also it is my grandma's after funeral. So every red nose day I will think of her.

funny hair

She has red hair for red nose day!

Funny girl with red hair wearing a blue hat Royalty Free Stock Photo

funny hair day

red nose day is hairlaries

I don't  possibly go out like this ever.

Red Nose Day

Red nose day is all about raising
money for different charities.                                        By Cerys

Sometimes you have to be quite silly...

know way would i come to school like this.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Rebecca's Lovely Lego!

Extreme Reading

         In extreme reading we have been reading in bizarre places like on the toilet or on the climbing frame even in the teachers car. There are some rules on this poster as you can see like be sage at all times reading club and magazine club had a great time !!

Extreme Reading

         In extreme reading we have been reading in bizarre places like on the toilet or on the climbing frame even in the teachers car. There are some rules on this poster as you can see like be sage at all times reading club and magazine club had a great time !!